We will make an assortment of 30, yes 30 cards – all made with the paper from the Spring Fever Simply Scrappin’ Kit along with some extra embellishments to match.
We will go through step-by-step cutting instructions, then you will be able to put them together at your own pace following the instructions that I have set out. This means that you if want to change up a design to better match your needs, you will be able to do so with that materials provided.
I will not have stamped images/sentiments on the samples, but if you have time and would like to stamp, I will have the ink and stamps for you to work with.
The class fee for this class will be $50 – That is less than $2/card!!! I will need RSVP with class fee by March 14th in order to have the supplies needed. You can make arrangements with me or pay using paypal on the "classes" page.